Ode to the Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron
The presence of the Pamlico lures many here to dwell
And partake of river life—ever captive to her spell.
Boaters like our river, zigzagging her waterways
Finding fun and fellowship on many glorious days.
But there’d been no Power Squadron the Pamlico could claim,
Until the new millennium, none bore her splendid name.
Assisting the river’s boaters was a need that should be met
So visionaries planned and soon their course was set.
A meeting in November explained the mission quest
Of those who came, eighty six agreed to stand the test.
Bob Hatala, their commander, led this stalwart corps.
By June 2000, their charter was waiting at their door.
A squadron for our river means a safer place to be.
Persistence paid off very soon and many more were we.
With a goal of safer boating, we volunteer with pride
Instructing the boating public here where we reside.
Sails skimming o’er the water, motors trailing sparkling foam,
We find joy on the river and wherever else we roam.
We thank God for our Squadron, His blessings from above,
And the comfort of His Spirit He sends to us with love.
In appreciation to our charter members and
their original bridge
Bob Hatala, Commander
Charlie Dolbear, Executive Officer
Don Dunlap, Administrative Officer
Cliff Heidel, Public Boating
Winifred Dolbear, Treasurer
Larry Colwell, Education Officer
Joyce Colwell, Secretary
*The Pamlico Sail & Power Squadron was chartered with the second largest membership
(117) ever in the history of The United Sates Power Squadrons.
Lane Schroeder, Author
18 September 2008