What are we…….

The America's Boating Club of the Pamlico (ABC-Pamlico) is dedicated to providing superior boating skill building education, civic service and fellowship.  ABC-Pamlico is a unit in District 27 of the United States Power Squadron® known as the America's Boating Club® the largest non-profit recreational boating organization and premier provider of quality boating education. ABC-Pamlico encompasses the Pamlico River and Pamlico Sound areas and is headquartered in Washington NC.  

ABC-Pamlico was founded in 2000 and further promotes the United States Power Squadrons® mission. Our Members are boating-oriented families who want to contribute to their communities by promoting safe boating and enjoying friendship and camaraderie among fellow boaters and members.

When you join America’s Boating Club®, you’re joining a community that was built For Boaters, By Boaters®. Whether your passion is cruising, sailing or paddling, ABC-Pamlico has the resources to help you engage your passions – and perhaps instill some new ones! You’ll be creating a lifetime of memories on the water, on shore, and in the community.

Why become a  Member of America's Boating Club, For Boaters, By Boaters®

"Are you a boating enthusiast looking for a complete boating education program to strengthen or refresh you on the latest boating knowledge and skills?”  From cruise planning to weather, piloting to electronics or engine maintenance, sailing, and navigation, Educational programs offered by ABC-Pamlico covers them all in classroom, on-line and on the water!

Safety is paramount within the squadron. ABC-Pamlico performs free, courtesy Vessel Safety Checks throughout the boating season for our members and the boating public. This is the same vessel check that the Coast Guard uses when they stop and inspect boats.  You will gain recommendations from our experts to make you a safer boater and a VSC Decal to display on your boat.  Think about becoming a Vessel Safety Examiner yourself!

But there is so much more to being a member, here are a few more:

  • Have a question or need some help? Members willingly volunteer knowledge and assistance to make your boating experience safer and more pleasurable.
  • The America's Boating Course—a basic boating course—covers all subjects critical to the boater. This course will certify the student for North Carolina’s boating registration requirements, including the recent law requiring certification for any person under 26 years of age operating a vessel with a motor of 10 horsepower or more. Any student passing this course gains an additional 6-month FREE USPS/PSPS Membership.
  • Participating in many Civic Services.  A few of the annual events include youth boating safety efforts in the Beaufort County, National Safe Boating Week and Vessel Safety Check.
  • Like to save money on boating?  As a member, you can receive financial benefits in insurance, retail boating discounts as well as big discounts on Microsoft Software and other benefits beyond boating related expenses.  America's Boating Club continues to add more nationally available savings. Review the Benefits of Membership for more details including our local Software Purchase opportunity at very deep discounts. 
  • Like to cruise or wish to join a group rendezvousing at a great location? Participate in social events, picnics, parties, on-water activities and meetings with interesting speakers on boating topics.
  • Receive our award winning Sound of the Pamlico Newsletter with interesting articles of member meetings and social activities as well as the latest boating news.
  • Enjoy visiting our award winning Web Site for up to date notices, important information and activity photos. 
  • Visit us on our Facebook Group for up to the minute boating details and events. 
  • We are a very active Squadron, review our Calendar to learn of the many upcoming events in 2024.             


For Boaters, By Boaters SM

America's Boating Club Membership Fees

The local squadron portion of the annual fees are spent locally for educational and boating safety purposes.



One Time Initial

Total First Year

On-Going Annual

Individual Member

$  94.20

$  20.00


$  94.20

Individual Member w/Family


$ 20.00



All in all, America's Boating Club of the Pamlico is a great place to experience the full benefits of safe boating!   “Why don't you join us?"   Simply print the Application Form and contact our Membership Chair, Joni Caputo at 516-317-6377 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.